Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

Working for Taramobile

Mumbai - day 7

After yesterday's late night it was a little more difficult to get up in the morning, but a wake up call from the hotel reception meant everyone was awake on time. The hug variety of possibilities for breakfast was enjoyed by all.

After a short bus ride we arrived at the impressive Pune campuss - knowledge city. We had a very warm welcome by all students and faculty members of the International School. We participated in a IB DP student led assembly - featuring both traditional and fusion dance performances.

All students were put into groups, mixing our students with the Pune students for this first CAS (Creativity, Action and Service) activity of the day: planting saplings of medicinal plants on the side of the school building. This also ensured students connected very quickly and within no time students chatted away.

The students then all gathered together for a morning snack and drink in the school's atrium. The next activity was going to take place off campus where we were going to work with the NGO Taramobile. Taramobile wirks with children of migrant workers who come to Pune to work in the large construction projects. Unfortunately, due to recently started construction work, it was impossible to hold the activities as planned. As the rearrangment took some extra time, the students had an unplanned extra moment with their Pune peers. In this time some starting friendships have been made. As teachers we were privileged to have a tour of the school building.

After lunch we had a short meeting with Dr. Patil in his office in Pune, followed by most of the planned activities with Taramobile on the campus. Unfortunately we were not able to teach some IT literacy skills, but we created art together and played lemon and spoon races, before distributing stationary materials.

These activities were followed by a lecture of the faculty leader of the DYP film institute and the faculty of the Car designing institute. We also had a tour of the car designing institute, incl. the workshop where models are produced and the sketch and computer modelling rooms.

Unfortunately by this time it was time to leave Pune for Mumbai. We have been overwhelmed by the kind and hospitable welcome we had in Pune.

After a 3.5 hrs bus ride we made it back to the MCA facilities. After a light supper, we had a reflection session on the past couple of days.

Tomorrow will be our last day in India, but since our flight is not until 2.20am we will have time to make the most of it!

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