Day by Day

By Christophi

What is it worth?

I started my blip journey 01 Jan this year and arrived at 300 consecutive days today. I dedicate at least in average 20 minutes each day writing my comments and uploading my daily picture plus browsing other diaries.

Therefore with my postings so far I probably spent at minimum 100 hours on blipfoto - hence todays blip. Was it worth the time?

Thinking about this question today made me realize that actually blipfoto gives me time, quality time. I happen to pause more often during the day, I realized that I am more conscious what is happening around me. I noticed that I do often chose a different route or go a few extra steps and even plan activly to do something new, often small but special, every day. And all of this actually allows me to slow down, to move from the digital to the real world more often and to be "here now" = quality time.

Of course, browsing other diaries and participating in what is happening elsewhere on a very personal level is equally enriching and often fun. I aim to complete my 365 and will need to think about my "blip New Years resolution" in due time.

Thank you for allowing me to follow you and thank you for dropping by now and then.

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