Still Life With Chocolate

I may have already succumbed to a Lindor truffle!

Today has not been as glorious as yesterday!

My not-so-new new home-to-be failed its electricity testing in spectacular fashion and I've spent the first part of the evening collating quotes for a complete re-wiring. I've let the sellers know and my solicitor will of course be seeking to get a reduction on the price of the place before we proceed. When I left, the gas man was doing his thing and the only problem he'd found so far was insufficient ventilation. He seemed confident that the old back boiler would work just fine so I left him to it with an audible "phew!"

In silver linings news, my dad came with me and had the drain cover up. Neither he nor I could see why the surveyor suggested a CCTV survey as taps running and loo flushing saw water moving on its way nicely.

Why are these people so keen to spend my money?! 

In more silver linings news, all the walking to and fro from work to bungalow and back means I've already reached my steps target today, which, of course, means I'm going to have another chocolate! :) 

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