The Great Wall

I'm having a big clean out in our barn, it's unbelievable how much stuff one accumulates living in the same place for twenty years. It is hard to find any tools these days in the chaos! As I'm keen to recycle everything I was dismayed at the bags for landfill.
A well earned break and a walk up onto the mountain. I have often pondered on the origins of this wall, who built it? When and for what purpose? My questions have been answered by a neighbouring farmer who I met checking his sheep. The wall was built by the man who farmed the land where I live now, so could be eighty years ago now. The reason for it was to stop his cattle from falling over the cliff on the other side. I thought cows would have had more sense but he did loose a couple apparently as they took some fatal steps to find a tasty bit of greenery! Some of the stones are enormous and they would have been man handled into place after being collected with the horse and cart. Rumor has it he had hands like JCB buckets and often worked into the night with a tilly lamp.

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