Can you guess where we are?

Went for breakfast with The Dadski's mum and dad, which was lovely. Whilst walking their dog along the beach we all got caught in a massive downpour and have been wet all day.

Been a funny old day. First a gentleman decided to cross the road in front of us and then abused us for almost running him over :/

Then, we had parked up to look at an awesome moon over the sea and a woman in the car next to us opened her door into the bus, which we then got abuse for!!! Her son-in-law came back later to apologise!

After that, we were driving along and came to a give way where we had right of way. The learner driver in her corsa stopped as she should do, then pulled out just in front of us!

Very strange people around these parts :/

Finally, we have seen a rainbow tonight in the night sky????? It was raining and the moon was very bright, but never seen that before!

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