Going, Going, GONE!

So today was the day - the day this last remaining oak was to hit the ground.  It was inevitable and I just knew it would come down one day.  

I drove along that road yesterday evening and noticed that the branches had been 'trimmed'!  I knew the rest would not be long in following.  So, as I headed out on the journey today to visit my Mum, I took a few minutes to record the last of this wonderful tree.  The men with the chainsaws were already there, preparing to do the dastardly deed - to them, it's just a job!

So sad!

The rest of the day was pleasant and my mother was in good spirits. My daughter and the two grandchildren accompanied me - they like to see Mum and she loves to see the children.  It's a two hour journey and let's just say that the journey home was not peaceful!!!

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