Depth of Field

Now this is silly. It’s not a field it’s a LAKE but The Boss insists that this image is all about “Depth of Field”.

This of course would have needed a camera to have a standard sort of lens and a very small aperture like F10,000 …Right.
Well you kno what was used here ‘Cos you probably cheated and looked but it was the Boss's Iphone.
Things are not what they seem and today’s true story is just about that.

Blokes (and maybe Blokesses)  often call certain things “She”
Like “She’s a great car” and “she’s a lovely boat” stuff like that.
Particularly annoying is that they call me HE. Dogs are boys….NOT ALL OF THEM!…Go figure.

Well there was this bloke who was a painter but dreamed about things better and one night when the moon was full and all the stars were doing their thing he took his girlfriend out into the country, down a dark road and parked.

The girlfriend was excited and as she moved in closer for a cuddle the bloke sighed “Isn’t she just beautiful”  

The young lass was a bit taken bark by this and looking through the windscreen noticed  the mountains, the stars and the night but nothing that would fill the “she” bill so said nothing. 

The Bloke sighed again and added “I brought you out here to show you and I would just love to own something as beautiful as that, what do you think?”

The young lady lowered her view from the mountains and the stars and noticed that the moon was now shining on a large yellow digger in the paddock below.

Of course they all lived happily ever after and The Bloke now owns one of the larger earth shifting outfits around. 

Ain’t love grand?


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