
By Humbear


I had 2 days in Iceland before our next trip, I don't know what I was thinking when I planned it, all I wanted to do after coming back from Italy was to stay home for a few weeks...but off we went, suitcases repacked, not only with winter clothes for a 6 day European holiday, but also with summer clothes for a 6 month stay in South Africa!

First stop was Brussels, flying from Reykjavik to Amsterdam and then taking the Thalys train to Brussels from Schiphol airport. Taking the train is so much nicer than flying, especially if one books in advance and can get cheap first class tickets like we did. We had a very nice meal served at our seats which was included in the ticket price.We are staying at a hotel in the station which sounds strange, but it is very nice and very convenient, since we are taking a day trip to Brughes tomorrow. 

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