A shot of red eye

This picture has absolutely no connection to any specific part of my day today.    It really is an emergency blip.
I was up early and one of the first customers through the supermarket doors this morning.   It was chucking it down with rain.
I then popped along to my Dad's house.   
On arrival, I found that my step mother was in a bad way; in excruciating pain, unable to move, unable to speak coherently, a red welted leg that felt on fire when I put my hand to it; generally in a extremely worrying condition.        It didn't take long for me to alert and chivvy my Dad into action and get him to call for an ambulance whilst I did my nurse Spishy routine.

I have to say that it seemed only a matter of minutes before a paramedic arrived (a lovely young chap called Greg), followed by a further three paramedics and an ambulance.  An astonishingly but reassuringly fast response.   
Anyway to cut a very, very long story short...   Step M was whisked off to hospital, is feeling slightly perkier now, is not happy about staying in for the weekend and being vociferous about it   scary..... glad I'm at home now .
Tests are being performed but it seems she has an infection somewhere and a problem with her heart racing.    
I am feeling positive that all will be well but do worry about my Dad.  He is healthier, but older than Step M ; 89 in 2 weeks time.   Too old to be acting as a full time carer, look after a house, garden etc etc.
We shall see.

I am now chilled out and parked on the sofa.  Bliss.   

By the way; The Lego Tiger was acquired when we were in Denmark last month.  He has now joined the cast of characters that hang around in the vicinity of the TV.
By the way 2; the title has nothing to do with anything.  I simply couldn't think of an appropriate title that pleased me.

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