Local Windmill 'De Vlieger', Hoek van Holland

'Hoek' sounds like 'Hook' as in Captain Hook and means 'corner'.
'De Vlieger' means 'The Flyer'.

Still cloudy in some parts, like here, but balanced by quite a lot of blue sky elsewhere, which unfortunately isn't visible here.

Went to work, worked, went back home, but not before spending practically an hour trying to figure out how to get close to this windmill as it was 'in the town' yet not quite.  Hoek van Holland is where P&O moor their ferries, ready to cross the Channel to Hull and Newcastle.  Many of the traffic signs are in both Dutch and English.  Neat, huh?

When I got back home, hubby was nowhere in sight.  No note anywhere and the telly was on.  What happened?  I waited an hour and then turned on my mobile ... and guess what?  I had locked him out in the morning when he stepped out of the house to wish me a nice day!  He didn't bring his own key with him (the way I do) and, without thinking, I shut the door behind me.  He had the cordless house phone with him and tried to phone me before I reached the corner but it is unfortunately not my habit to turn on my phone, especially when I'm focused only on reaching work, even when I leave later in the day.  What did the poor guy do?  He walked to bro-in-law J's place, which is where I picked him up.  I snatched up the two boxes of Cadbury eclairs I had bought for sis-in-law M and the coins I had saved for J (who is a coin collector) so that errand is done as well.

While at their place, I got to hug their grandkids, who will spend the weekend with them.  It feels really good to hug someone else's grandkids, I can tell you.  We also got to talk about the ongoing legal case vs. the siblings and the fact that they're still apathetic about it, probably because they don't want to spend on legal fees, something they'll quickly change their minds about because our solicitor will 'approach the bench' next week and inform the magistrate that because there hasn't been any response and none seems to be forthcoming, the court may procede with the next step, which is to send the bailiff to collect, of course.  I would have a couple of sleepless nights or more, I think, had I been in their shoes.  We doubt they realize what time it is.

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