Nope ;.this is not.......

........a selfie!!!
This is Billy ;a wild goat that wanders around Galloway Forest Park with his many wives and offspring.
Your confusion viz a viz  selfie is understandable.......Billy and I have much in common!       Hairy countenance, a smidgin past our prime ,a certain rustic charm , an aroma  that carries for miles and to a jaundiced eye quite handsome !!   :-D
However ,I should like to point out that whilst his aroma is of Billy Goat  mine is of  " Old Spice" !!
Furthermore, whist I am probably destined for Down Below  I do not as yet, have either horns ,cloven hooves or a long tail!!
And when I enquired of him the secret of his success in amassing such a harem he replied that good looks and charm were not enough,and the key ingredient was the aroma!!

Sorry Old Spice ....after all these years .....from tomorrow its "Brut""  !!!!

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