And the Lights are flashing on your window sill
So, All Hallows Eve.
The Night before All Saints Day, a celebration of the dead.
The nights the spirits wreak havoc before the Blessing of the Saints on All Saints Day.
In Kilmarnock in East Ayrshire, to hell with the Calendar. All Hallow's Eve happens on the "last Friday in October".
Excuse me, there isn't a here or there about this. Hallow's Eve is a particular day, it doesn't change date just because it's not convenient. Does anyone change the baby Jesus birthday? No I think not.
In the rest of the UK the full week building up to Hallow's Eve is an excuse for any themed fancy dress party. See the attached example.
When I was little, it was customary to be scary. During the kids' childhood there seemed to be an overriding need to be Whorey. Whoreyeen I called it. "Slutty Princess" "Slutty Red Riding Hood" "Slutty Leprechaun". We always dressed the kids as "Dead... something". :-) "Dead Jessie", "Dead Roman Emperor".
The Leven Laids like to expand the boundaries.
Last night.
"The Hungry Caterpillar... followed by a chrysalis type transformation (aka throw off the duvet cover) into Butterflies.
Aren't they gorgeous!
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