
By hjarald

A look in the Kitchen

How often do you get the opportunity to be granted a look in the Restaurants kitchen?

Exactly, seldom... 

and what if I were to tell you that this living assembly line is formed by the Chef Cooks of five!!!! renowned Dutch restaurants working together for once in their lives.

Then there must be a really good reason and…

there was… 

they teamed up for a charity cause and I was one of the lucky bastards who not only had the chance to capture this unique performance and best of all...

I also got to taste all the courses they made!

Let me introduce the Chefs in random order:

Marcel Molenkamp / Hotel Mercure, Patrick Otten / Hotel Oranje,  Sido de Brabander / Crowne Plaza Hotel, Hidde de Brabander / Dreams of Magnolia, Remco Biesma / Hotel des Indes (ps. didn't catch the name of the sixth one ;-))

Bonne appetite!

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