Hibearnian in The Woods

By Hibearnian

Last Of The Jazzy Apples...

... unfortunately also probably the first!

What with the rotten spring this year, all rain and wind, it seems that our apple crop will be seriously reduced come the autumn. That means no Glutney, no apple jelly. I can only find three apples on this tree, none on the other tree in the back garden. The tree in the front garden looks a bit better, maybe twenty apples. Not that I expect any to survive the ravages of the local children. It doesn't bother me that they eat the apples. I expected no less when I planted an apple tree next to a low wall in the front garden. It's just that they'll be gone long before they get ripe!

The rest of the garden doesn't look so hot either. The gooseberries all disappeared while we were on holidays. The blackcurrant bush looks sickly, and so far I've only seen about 10 flowers on the Raspberry canes. The only bright spot is the Pear Tree which looks like doubling last years harvest.

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