On Some Days

By V1k1

Who is she and what does she want?

I was reminded of a saying one of my colleagues uses with her class to remind them to make good choices and think about being a leader.  "Are you a sheep or a shepherd?  Do you follow everyone else or do you step forward?"  
I was on my way to a Chorus box around the corner but  I passed these sheep and since I haven't any sheep in my journal and we are famous for our sheep they won.  When I first saw them they were sitting close to the roadside fence and I was planning a close up but they up and walked off as I approached.  We stayed staring at each other but they wouldn't come any closer.  I noticed that there were three or four who make the decisions about where to walk and then the others follow.
My friend Claire came around this afternoon and I helped her get her Professional Learning Journal started.  It would have made a good blip portrait of two older ladies with their glasses on, heads together over their laptop screens as I demonstrated and she followed along. 
Thank you for the hearts and comments on the stick insect.  This morning I carried a young one inside on flowers I had picked.  Nice to know my garden is sustaining insects.

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