October sky

I spent much of the afternoon looking down.  Strapped to each of my boots were shoes with 13 5cm (2in) spikes.  They would qualify as an offensive weapon.

Their purpose is to aerate the lawn.  As you walk, these spikes penetrate the soil bringing air to tired grass roots.  With each step, the spikes are lifted from the ground, move with the attached through the air and penetrate the next patch of grass.  Simple.

Except it isn't as simple as that.  It is like walking with lead weights on your feet.  You have to lift your feet vertical up as you are walking.  I thought that would be easy.  It isn't and it looks ridiculous.  And sometimes, the spikes want to stay where they are.  And you look even more ridiculous.

However, I got the hang of it.  And the roots will benefit.

It was good to look up for the blip.

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