Local Windmill, Voorburg

Today is hubby's birthday!  He is hardly ever in the mood to model for a shot, though.

In-between classes, took the car for a spin and some windmill-hunting.  I actually wanted to shoot the windmill in The Hague, or at least I think it is in The Hague but not in the city centre.  It is visible from the A4 and I've spotted it a number of times driving from or to Amsterdam, for instance.  Instead, I came across this one.  Not a bad specimen, I think, and it certainly saved me time and diesel as I had to return to work eventually for my afternoon class.  By the way, coincidentally, this one has the same name as the one yesterday -- 'De Vlieger'!

The extra shot is the other one I enjoyed shooting -- my favourite position behind the wheel with the sun in frontal position on my way home.

At work, the quarter is slowly but surely winding down and exams are coming up.  I've covered everything I needed to teach so next week will be a lot more laid back.  On the other hand, it's getting more stressful for the poor dears, especially those who haven't yet made it a habit to open their books.  Incredible!  In the meantime, this week has wound down as well and so I would like to wish you all a pleasant flight weekend!

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