Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

Bunch of Beetles!

Not entirely sure what the collective noun for Beetles is. However, on this very grey, wet day they were a welcome sight. Not a patch on the original Herbie though.

I spent the day volunteering at a charity today. They take clothes and other supplies to The Balkans, where they get distributed to the never ending stream of refugees. It's good to feel that I can help, it may be in a small way but it's something. It's so hard to watch what's going on, I feel utterly frustrated at not being able to help.
I managed to give myself a big fat, bruised mouth though! When tying up a sack of clothes, the metal tie snapped and my hand pulled back with force so I basically punched myself in the mouth..funny but really sore! It's progressively got fatter and more purple...just in time for Halloween!


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