Day by Day

By Christophi

Frauenkirch - Stafelalp

Another golden and warm autumn day (above the clouds). Walked from our hide away to Clavadel (coffee on terrace at 11am), then onwards to Davos (with a blipped view to Frauenkirch and Stafelalp). 1km swimming in the public pool which was as expected almost empty at lunch time. It was really nice to have a swimming lane to ourselves. Walking home towards the late afternoon sun and arriving back home at 4pm #20KFitbit

Orange season started. Prepared for early dinner salmon marinated with orange juice, fennel baked in the oven with orange pepper and endive salad with pieces of fresh oranges. Opened a Bianco Rovere di Brivio (bianco di uve merlot del Ticino).

Relaxing Sunday evening ahead. Driving home late tonight.

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