
By billy_green


I don't normally get involved with Halloween.
We have no kids, so we don't have sweets in, and besides I think it's a bit of an Americanism.
I really don't remember 'trick or treating' when I was growing up.

Anyway this year I have made friends with a girl who has joined our running club who unbeknown to me when we first met lives on our street. She has 2 young children who do the whole 'trick or treat' thing so I got a big box of sweets in, decorated the front of the house (apparently the children locally have been told by the authorities at school to only knock on houses decorated for Halloween) and prepared myself for a few knocks.
We got over a dozen.
Fortunately all nice young children, dressed up with adults in tow.
Begrudgingly I'll admit it was fun!

The bizarrest part of the night was when the neighbour turned up with her two children.
They actually brought a treat for our cats. A packet of dreamies :-)   

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