Farrow & Ball

Today's the day ............................ to name a colour

Next week we are having a new central heating boiler installed - which will involve a fair amount of upheaval in some of the rooms of the house.

It would seem, therefore, that this would be a good time to do a bit of redecorating - and so I have been looking at paint colour charts to get inspiration for a new colour scheme.  The trouble is, I can't stop myself being influenced by the name that the colours are called by.  I mean - would you really like to sleep in a bedroom with Dead Salmon on the walls?  On the other hand Nancy's Blushes sounds very exciting - even if it is a rather putrid shade of puce.

You can see that F&B are trying to give you hints of where they think their colours should go - hence the Eating Room Red (kitchen) or Book Room Red (library).  But quite frankly, some of them are a complete mystery.  Where would you put your Incarnadine  or Blazer ? - and as for Charlotte's Locks and Setting Plaster, well your guess is as good as mine.

Needless to say, I'll keep you up-dated on any progress made .......................

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