2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

As good as it looks

I am lucky enough to be able to do some things simply because I can.

Financial rewards are all very well and they pay bills, and for things we want to buy.

Sometimes, however, just knowing you helped is enough.

That was the case with an athlete who I have helped, supported and admired for many years.

So when they asked for some sports massage treatments to help prepare for a big race I offered to do them free of charge.

Well, what's an few quid when you later get the opportunity to see the athlete compete at the highest level against the best in the world?

If only the funding agencies would see things the same way I do; but don't get me started on that one.

Seeing the athlete ready for competition and feeling as good as they can was my reward.

To receive my favourite chocolate bar in my favourite chocolate colour was a bonus far greater than I expected.

The athlete had a very good race too.

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