Autumn Oak Leaves

The time changed this morning from Pacific Daylight to Pacific Standard Time. That meant it wasn't dark when we got up this morning, but the day did dawn overcast and threatening rain. We could smell the ozone in the air as we walked in Sonoma Valley park where the buckeyes are hanging from branches  bare of leaves . Buckeyes are quite handsome with their burnished brown coats, with the consistency of an avocado pit are  useful only as seeds for the next generation of trees. I was happy to come upon these brilliant red oak leaves, still tenaciously clinging to mostly bare branches.

We managed to talk our neighbors into meeting us at the Flying Goat, but they got a late start  due to the time change and  just as they were arriving, we had to leave so that I could meet with Will. 

I am pleased to announce that I encouraged Will to rewrite one of his essays one more time, putting back in things that his college advisor thought were 'irrelevant'. We had reworked it so many times that we were both sick of it and I though he had edited out all the things that made it uniquely his. By the time he finished this final revision we both felt happier about it and he said he could defend it without changing it again. Writing is like art. You have to know when to stop and declare it finished.I'm really proud of the work he has put into writing these essays.

It is not yet 5pm and it is getting dark as I write this. On to December 21st when the days will start getting longer again….

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