Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Post-Samhuinn Recovery

We met up with M, P & H for brunch at Loudons.  When we arrived our friend K was there so she stayed and joined us.  Lovely hour or so catching up before heading on to our booking at Maison de Moggy (a cat cafe).  We only booked an hour due to not wanting to eat in to friend's time too much.  They have a new kittie.  She's hairless and I thought she'd freak me out but I was totally in love.  She had a little woolen jumper on but she kept getting her tongue caught in it as she tried to clean herself.  She found a comfy spot on the desk laptop and even washed it too.  G ended up with it on his shoulders as it tried to get down from a high spot.  I coaxed it on to my lower shoulders but once I'd bent over at 90 degrees and knelt down to let it jump off my back, it decided it was happy and settled down for a 5-10 minute sit.  Lovely day, lovely cats, lovely company.

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