
By HarryJ

Scary stuff

Flashing down the I-5 in the fast lane  just south of Seattle and it's teeming. All four lanes are packed with traffic.  Visibility is limited to say the least. I feel the back end of the car start to wander, then I feel the bumps and know it's a blowout.
Hazard lights on and try to slow down and get across to the shoulder to pull over without causing a major pile up.  The other drivers don't slow down at all, they keep coming which made it a scary business to negotiate all those lanes of traffic to get across to the shoulder and safety.
Phone calls to road assistance agencies promised a window of 2 hours. Then good samaritans arrived in the form of Travis and Adam in the Medic truck. "We're also attached to the Fire Dept" they smiled. "Let us help."
Within a short space of time, they had the temporary tire on and we were on our way to have a new tire fitted, the only one of the right size we were able to find for miles around.
Another 3 hours later when we finally reached Portland, a few "calming liquids" were required.

Ah well. Until tomorrow....

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