Garden time

2years 249days

We spent a wonderful day with friends today. A celebration of sorts - of my first year back at uni successfully completed, of two new babies on the way, of a completed lounge to party in! We arrived quite early and I got snuggles with their littlest, 4month old baby girl. The two children spent the first hour just eating Clair out of house and home (despite Katie already having eaten two breakfasts of her own!), until another friend and little one joined us. We took all the children into the garden and they literally charged round in circles for quite a while. They spent a long time with the bubbles and had lots of fun on the slide.

Despite the midmorning feast, they were all still well up for the yummy lunch that had been cooked and ate a whole load more, including jelly, ice cream and non-alcoholic fizz for the mummies. Shortly after lunch, an old friend of mine came with her little one, a friend who didnt know we had Clair in common, so she was very surprised to see me answer the door which was fab.

Mid afternoon we left to get our train. After only ten minutes on the train, Katie curled into her teddy and monkey and went to sleep for the rest of the journey. Despite that, after a good play and run round at home, she still went to bed at a reasonable time and slept through till morning - gotta love sea air!

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