
By AnnieBurke1

Kilmainham Prison and more!

Today was our first full day in Dublin. We thought we would start the day with an amazing breakfast in The Elephant and Castle. Its a little cafe that I ate at when I came to Dublin a few years ago and it was amazing. It still is amazing!

After breakfast we headed to the tourist office and got tickets for an open deck bus tour. It was freezing but it was sunny, we we braved the cold and sat on top deck for the journey. This was nice because we got to see all of Dublins best sights!

We got off the bus at Killmainham Prison and we did a tour. It was so interesting, I loved hearing about all the Prisoners that were sentenced and it was awful to see the conditions that they had to endure. I found this very interesting and enjoyed it.

Me and Megan then headed back to the hotel and had a bit of rest before our night out. We had some dinner and headed into Temple Bar. We started off with some drinks in the Pubs and ended the night in Copper Face Jacks (Coppers). A very well known club in Dublin, and it didn't let us down! It was such a laugh. We had a great night.

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