
I worked at home this morning and then went to visit Sarah, one of the lovely ladies I met through my Moving On course.  I took Ted and we walked around the lakes that are near her home.  During her treatment she found walking and feeding the ducks a great help and has carried on feeding the ducks.  They all seem to know her and follow her as she walks round the lake, they weren't even put off by Ted who was straining at the lead, I'm not sure if he wanted to chase the ducks or eat the bread and grain!  We had a lovely catch up over some fab cake she made, thank you Sarah.  Sadly the next time we meet will be at the funeral of one of the other ladies on the course, that's going to be tough.

In the evening Matt and I went to visit an old friend of my Dad, John. John and Dad are quite similar, very clever, quite quiet but a wicked sense of humour.  John needed a hand put back on an old clock, something he would have been able to do himself but he has Parkinson's and finds he can not manage this type of job anymore, Matt is only too pleased to help out and it was lovely to spend some time with John and Yvonne chatting about old times.

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