Honeysuckle Bud

Took a few photos of a Roe buck this morning but they
weren't that good, a few droplety ones in the garden
which turned out crap rubbish, so I have just
settled for this bud, it's and unusual Honeysuckle
and the flowers are sweet, I will try and mind to
snap them, the bees love em too.
Popped in to see my pal today, she was being diven to
distraction by her son, he is built like a brick shit house
miniature muscle man, and has started kicking her she
just doesn't know what to do with him, he is as good as
gold at nursery, but isnt that always the case, she asked
my advice, I just said maybe she could be a bit firmer,
lets face it his Granny is 85, and she wouldn't like to be
kicked, I did feel for her it's not easy bringing up kids
on your own, hey ho hopefully things will improve.
I must add he is only three ......
It's dreich here today, but seems to be brightening up the
forecast for tomorrow isnt good.
Hope your all having a braw day.

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