Many months ago
the seeds were sown -
watered and nurtured
And then the seedlings
were set into the
prepared ground.
The frame was built
the growing plants trained -
then we waited and watched.
We had great expectations!
But nature had the last word
and we waited in vain.
The seasons changed and
although we still had
great expectations
we were disappointed.
Could we have done more?
Planted them earlier?
Prepared the ground better?
Tended them more lovingly?
Who knows now
what these
might have been?
Do we, as parents, feel like this
about our children?
Could we have done more
in their early years?
Spent more time with them?
Nurtured them more?
Chatted to them on their terms
when they were teenagers -
without giving them advice
or our opinion?
We often told our sons
"We did the best we could
with the raw material
we were given.....
the rest is up to you.
It's your life!"
Thankfully, our sons
have turned out well
and we are not disappointed
We obviously got that right!
As for the Butternut Squashes
we will try again next year -
so watch this space!
© Maureen Iles
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