Jacqui's World

By HappyJacqui

Ted in the Colour!

Well, I am smothered in a cold and not doing much today only blow my nose. I will have to go to the spar day we have booked tomorrow as we can't cancel or change it. I have been looking through my stories this morning but I need to come up with a lot more. Here is one.

All of Lancashire’s Mayors had been invited to York cathedral to the installation of a new Bishop. Once the mayor’s officers have handed over the responsibility of the Mayors to the Cathedral staff they wanted to go for a cup of tea and a chinwag but no one seemed to know how to get to the cafe as a new one-way streets had been installed since last they were all there. But one mayor’s officer said he knew the way and everyone was to jump into his or her cars and follow him. Sure enough eight cars followed in convoy and they turned a sharp corner to be faced with a newly installed arcade fitted with a sliding door that was on a sensor. It opened for the lead car and all the mayoral cars quietly drove through the arcade with some people thinking it was a funeral procession and they doffed the hats. Nobody stopped them and when they got to the other end the exit doors slide open and the mayoral cars sailed out. Needles to say they found another way back.    

Anyway the garden is still very colourful although I have brought in most of my begonia's. I can't bring these in yet as they are still looking really good. Ted likes them.

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