And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Walk along the north cliff!

Hello guys first of all the long awaited weight loss for this week I lost 2lb not great but its a loss and its going in the right directions! slow and steady wins the race! thats 6lb in 2weeks. We had a lovely walk on the north cliff we used to live more or less next door to where this now building site is! if you know Scarborough its queens parade we had wonderful memories here it was are first home together. We also had superb sea views out of every window we loved it! had a few issues with money today found out we haven't been getting a payment in the bank and its caused alot of upset in fact I started crying in the council, how embarrassed was I! I think its because Kevin the guy who helped us out genuinely cared about us and the out come! anyway Im home now and feeling alot more positive. Just want to say thanks david cameron you good for nothing wank*r!!! excuse my French I feel better for getting that of my chest! its chilli con carnie for tea with rice and garlic bread mm mm.
love c xxx

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