Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Autumn Leaves

Another dreary day. Just as husband and I were getting home from the morning walk the feed lorry arrived with 5 tonnes of livestock feed for us. Talk about perfect timing. Whilst husband helped unload it I got on with some baking making a batch of chocolate brownies and my homemade chocolate hobnobs or closeish to hobnobs.

Spent the afternoon doing some coursework and getting increasingly annoyed at the laptop that is stuck at full screen brightness which is blinding and I can't seem to fix. It also seems to have a reoccurring virus that hits it. That and stupid blip still says non of my photos are jpegs so have to use basic uploader.

The calves were quite noisy in the night with Glen the bull joining in too and he is in front of the farmhouse so much louder, we also had a stag join in at one stage! Hopefully they will be a bit quieter tonight!!

This looks better on a black background!

10c 3mph E overcast all day.

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