Shock! Horror!
The trio of unseeded magpies has rocketed up EUR121.9, while the trio of seeded maggers is now at an eye-watering EUR131.9
This is yet another arbitrary hike dictated by OBEAK (the Organisation of the Bird and Energy Associated Kollective).
It is not indexed on production, or on demand.
The demand is unfortunately always there.
Now that 97% of the planet's energy is produced in Magpie Droppings Power Plants.
Now the global airline networks are totally dependent on the bird's excrement to power their millions of jets.
Now that Apple has signed an exclusivity deal with the OBEAK for their never-rechargeable-lifelong-power devices.
The Irish magpie breeders truly hold the rest of the world by the short and curlies.
When they are not busy racing their Lamborghinis around Mayfair...
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