
By Maisiebeth

Abstract Thursday

Abstract does not come easily to me, don't think my mind is free enough, but am working on it. Although been playing around, and do quite like what I managed to get. This is SOOC apart from a bit of cropping. Any guesses? It was a bit of a happy accident actually and the subject matter has appeared in a much earlier blip.
Had a quieter day today, bit of shopping, bit of banking, got completely up to date with my blip comments, until you lot start posting more pics of course;-) Been nice

Added note. Explanation is disappointingly simple. Its a rainbow drawn using glitter glues on black card. 1sec exposure and moving the camera down. Different shades are because it is glitter reflecting the light in different ways. Simples!
Dramatic and Dangerous Places to Photograph for the Terminally Unfit and Navigationally Challenged

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