
Last night myself and Ozzy (my very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend) had just had our dinner, when all of a sudden, loads & loads of fireworks started going off.  Ozzy was lying flaked out in his bed so he didn’t even notice.  I was a little bit scaredy.  There was nowhere for me to hide so I just went to Ann.  Ann turned up the TV tickled me behind my ears and said, ‘Molly, you’re a big mature collie now.  Just go and snooze in your bed.  I won’t let the fireworks get you.’

So do you know what?....................  I went and snoozed in my bed and the fireworks didn’t get me???

Ann was so, so proud of me.  I’ve never, ever just snoozed in my bed when fireworks are going off.  Ann thinks I’m going a little bit deaf in my old age!!

However, being a brave little collie has backfired on me?!.....................

....................Us doggies have now got to stay ‘home alone’ tonight while Ann goes out to watch the local firework display and then goes to the après firework party!  Ann has never, ever left me 'home alone' on bonfire night before.

This morning she took us for our walk down on the beach and said, ‘This is where I’m going tonight, I’m going to be eating yummy burgers, but you won’t want to come with me because there will be lots of noise and fireworks and you won’t like it.’

To be honest neither of us had a great time on our morning walk.  It rained & it rained & it rained.  We walked for more than an hour and we ended up very, very wet and soggy.  And two wet soggy doggies turn the house into a very wet, stinky abode. Yuk!

And this afternoon we went to work with Ann.  And we had a play in the park first.  And it was still raining & raining & raining so when we got to work we were still wet, soggy, stinky doggies but at least at 'STAR' there are plenty of old towels to dry us.

By 5pm it had stopped raining.  Yay!

On the 20 min walk home there was the odd firework going off and I pulled on my lead a bit, but Ozzy (my gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend) was a tower of strength.  He was very cool, calm & collected and I was well impressed that fireworks didn’t scare him.  He’s such a brave boy!

Home now, we’ve had our dinner and there’s a few fireworks going off out the back.  But do you know what?..........................  We’re both just having a snooze.

.....................And now Ann’s off out........................  It’s the first time in more than 10 years that she’s been to see a firework display.  Yay!!!

................And us doggies will be just fine ‘home alone’ together.

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