Lala's Journal

By Lala

No Time!

To take a photo today! A full on day writing a PowerPoint for the Edukent Expo next week, plus assisting at a talk to 30 students, none of whom had English as a first language! I did find time to stop on the way home and go to the castle shop where there was a 30% discount sale for staff.

This evening was spent in the local Italian restaurant with Mr L and two friends. great food and great company. I even suggested to my friend that he try Blip as he has just registered for a photography course.

Just home and I realised that I had not one photo again, and it's way too dark to find a garden shot, so here is my fireplace! I know it looks a bit strange at the moment, a strange off centre fireplace that we cannot afford to take out as it would be a big rebuild. So, I have decided to make a feature of it with clocks. This is of course a work in progress, we can't just go out and buy a collection, I want to be able to buy when I see one I like. The latest acquisition is the large central one, and what a job that was getting it home!

Hoping for a nicer day tomorrow as it has been wet and miserable all day today.

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