*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty

309/365: Minimalist

Had a bit of a lie in until 7 o'clock (my lie ins are crap these days!)

It was a gloomy day so a quick dash to the shops, grabbed a takeaway cappuccino and then home to do a few chores and some serious ukulele practicing. I'm learning a new George Formby solo which I found impossible a few months ago and now I'm slowly but surely getting to grips with.

In other news, my LEGO order is on its way and I now have a 92-year old facebook friend which I'm really chuffed about because he's ace.

Blip is of some raindrops on the window as it was going dark. Thought they looked pretty in a minimalist sort of way.

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