Back Home Again

So I think I've told you I'm new at this subbing business, but today I subbed back in my old room. It was a great day, it really was, but the feeling was mixed. I felt while I was there and leading class that this was my room again, but then it occurred to me that this wasn't my room. Hard to describe these feelings.

A flood of memories came back to me: Discussions of Hamlet; Holden in Catcher in the Rye; the poetry of Mary Oliver, William Stafford, Billy Collins; reading the end of Life of Pi; listening to Lacey Calligan singing Dylan's "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall";  kids walking in late with some lame but funny excuse. So many good times.

I told these 8th period Humanities students to gather by the window for a group photo. They indulged my request. Great kids all day. Really great kids. 

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