
Back home after an epic week of cleaning, scrubbing, sorting, lifting, shifting, chucking out, keeping, hiding, swearing, sweating,laughing and crying, I handed over the house keys to the new owner . Now how creepy is this, I play the accordion albeit badly and I have island connections. The chap who bought the house plays the accordion and guitar and has island connections!. He's connected to a well known Scottish band and he and I know loads of people in common. He said once he had the place up to speed, he would invite us back for a ceilidh given that we had many ceidhlies there in the past. I handed over the keys with no sadness or regret. Then I took a few surplus ornaments and put them on my folks grave and said thanks.
Thanks also to all of you who spotted my blip birthday . Have to say I didn't spot it so I suppose crabbit lobster was as good a blip as any. Thanks all my fellow blippers who take time to read my demented ramblings.

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