dancing queen

By jude14

Sparrow's Fart!

Had to be up at this ungodly hour to take my son to school for his day trip to The somme.

The previous nights sleep went something like this...
Bed at 10.15, read until 10.30ish.
Fell asleep quickly,
Woke at 11.45.
Back to sleep,woke at 1.30.
Back to sleep woke at 2.15
Back to sleep ,woke at 3.10
Stayed awake, got up at 4.00.
Woke son,pointed him in direction of shower.
Stared wide eyed into my cup of tea, decided to take blip!

Not on pick up duty, thankfully, just a nice relaxing evening with Battyboo and her 3 friends for her birthday sleepover!!!!

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