
By pensionspoet

Scouting for Boys!

Friday has been a long time coming this week, but at last it's here!

My drive to work was the usual route, dodging (but not always missing) the many pheasants and partridges which lie in wait for me, like bird brained highwaymen.

A day in the office, which is always pleasant (no sarcasm fellow pensions colleagues) and a browse at lunch time in a small book shop I like. Then home.

My family (minus my Uni boy) were all there waiting for me today. Mollie has had a wet week on her bike, traversing Cambridge. She had a puncture yesterday and walked the 5+ miles back to Karen's. Neil came to her (& our) rescue by fixing it for her 'overnight'. What perfect surrogate parents they are.

It was lovely to see the first photo of Alan, Laura and their new born twins on Facebook today. Alan was one of Jon's loyal weekend Rangers, who chose not to continue in his post when CPPF made the ridiculous changes to their staffing this year. They are a lovely couple and now have a beautiful little family.

Tonight, Jon & Henry attend their first meeting at the 1st Cromer Scout Group - they will be sea scouts. Jon met with the GSL last week & will probably take on the role of assistant GSL. It is good to see some normality returning to some aspects of our life.

I've made 4 more pairs of snowmen earrings, & now I'm sitting down for an evening with my lovely girl, Hairspray' and our chocolate cake :-)

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