Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Not a fan of going to the Doctors but as Dearest was nagging  begging me to get this cough I've had for several weeks looked at I went, she told me the appointment was for ten to three so I sat patiently and watched all and sundry come through the doors and get seen to in a timely fashion, all except me, nearly an hour went by so I thought I'd discuss my displeasure with the receptionist to be told that Dearest had booked it for ten to four! I think we'll have words later....not that I'll get any in, she's never wrong!!!!(recognise this trait gentlemen).
Enough said, got some pills and potions and a chest X-ray booked for next week and its a case of lets see what happens, walked back over to home just as the sun disappeared and spotted this rainbow, looked stunning in reality, the photo doesn't do it justice I'm afraid. Have a great weekend, I'm off telly hunting....might even get may say for once!

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