As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM

Home Grown Anemone

Since my flower man seems to be stocking mostly pot plants nowadays and has packed up by the time I get into town after work, I figured it was time to plant my own Anemones. I've planted them in pots before with zero success but they seem to be happy in the ground and are chucking up a reasonable amount of flowers at the moment :)

A no fuss pic tonight - no tweaking, no fiddling, just resize and sharpen. It's gone 8pm and so far I've sorted my new mortgage, finally found a lens that I'd put down and couldn't remember where, had some grub, just having a coffee, then a shower, then finish off sorting a batch of pics. With any luck I'll have that done by bedtime and it will have been a busy but productive evening.......

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