
By MallyC

Distortion Abstracted/Abstract Distorted

Last day of June and well past the winter solstice.  Not feeling at all well - tired, lacking any enthusiasm, headaches to die for, fall asleep at the drop of anything and then do not sleep at night resulting in wanting to go back to bed as soon as I have done my morning ablutions! Have to stay on my feet though for Mother and my sense of responsibility to her!
Yes, yes I will be off to the Doctor soon... sure my visit will open a can of worms!!!
In a strange way this image is a pictorial vision of how I feel - distorted and fractured and looking at life through abstraction.

(of course now I know I was already very ill and had probably been so for many months if not a couple of years or more - can remember thinking all of the above and really unwilling to face the music!!)

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