I could write about the pleasant hour I spent in the sunny courtyard with the San Francisco Chronicle and an Aztek Mocha, or the friendly man sitting in his car in the parking lot who told me I was a "fine looking woman" (being a woman of a certain, age I took it as a compliment and told him he made my day), but as things turned out, I went on a last minute shopping trip to Corte Madera with my neighbor. The traffic was terrible , as it usually is,  and there was a big sale on at Nordstrom, so we spent more  time trolling around the huge parking lot for a parking space .

If I had done this with OilMan, there probably would have been bloodshed before we got home, but Cindy and I had a good time. We are both well versed in the art of conversation gossip so we are better equipped to entertain each other whilst stuck in traffic rather than taking it as a personal affront as OilMan does. In his defense, he was happy to stay home and bond with Blake, taking him to the bank and Peter's cross country meet, so a good day was had by all….

My flower Friday offering is of an echinacea (coneflower) in our garden. Many thanks to Biker Bear for keeping this pleasant challenge going.

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