My little soldier

Best viewed *large* for great expression!

Rain this morning - got better... but I still ventured out anyway & found this Soldier Beetle perched on the Yorkshire Fog grass, he/she seemed very happy to have their portrait taken & luckily there was hardly any wind, so I could get some better detailed shots then usual... one rule with macro photography, make sure it's a *still* day, or, you're basically in bad trouble!

As for Larry, happy boy:

At one with Larry

Another hard day, another day of constantly sobbing out of nowhere, it's getting harder & harder right now, & the weather certainly doesn't help. Although warm, it's overcast & dull. If it were blue skies & sunshine, we'd be out every day enjoying the scenery... finger's crossed for a long hot July.... yeah right... best not to wish for what you cannot have! xxx

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