It's taken 12 years!

 Sophie has always had this curiosity - if there is a fence or a hedge or a dyke she has to see what is the other side of it. This doesn't matter when we are out on the fens, miles from roads, and she comes back eventually.  Because of this I never let her off the lead at the leisure centre as it is not secure, having dykes on two sides and roads on the other two. Lately, though,  I have noticed that she is not so keen to explore and now makes no effort to jump the dykes, and actually comes back when called!
For this reason, this week, I have let her off the lead when the others are playing ball at the leisure centre!  She doesn't play ball, of course, but she potters along the edge of the field and occasionally breaks into a trot - as you see here.
Perhaps she is at last getting sensible - or is just old age?
The extra pic shows the dramatic change in the weather this afternoon - rain and strong wind all morning, then suddenly all changed - the clouds rolled away and the sun came out!

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