Oh Happy Day!

The day started with chickens and ended with a dog! After more mud sliding on the allotment it was home, shower, grab Friend and drop her at her counselling session in Tavistock. Quick dash round the supermarket where I met an old work colleague and fellow villager, so not such a quick dash! Next stop Farm shop for more chicken food, then pick up Friend and into Tavistock for the bank! Bumped into Camera Man in the market and learnt that his sister had died post operatively from septicemia - he had called round the previous day to see me but that must have been when I was out with Lucy. So a big hug and tears then he was off back to the village to set up the Hall for a concert. We stopped for lunch and then had to move the car as the ticket had run out and we still hadn't been to the bank! Which meant I bought 2 espresso mugs in the arty shop! 
Once home it was walk Lucy then close chickens and hoover the house as Gilesey was calling the next day! Then I sat down to await the arrival of the dog! I am dog sitting for 2 weeks as Vegan Jo and Gardener Matt are off on a cruise! It is a 50th Birthday present from Vegan Jo's mum - however her 50th is actually next birthday!!!
The phone rang and it was Friend - they had called and as I had not answered they had gone to hers - I must have not heard them in my hoovering frenzy! So finally Kes arrived! He's stayed with me before so as soon as they left he settled on my sofa! Feels good to have a dog in the house once more! I'm not sure Fat cat and Tilly feel the same , the former confined to the attic, the latter to her coop once more! It's going to be along 2 weeks - maybe they will all be living harmoniously by the end?! 

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