
By Wallersview

Fun Friday's

Arabelle and I went to baby sensory with Helen and Miles this morning. The sessions have been really quiet recently so Arabelle and Miles have free reign to play on anything. Arabelle spent quite a bit of time in the sensory hut looking in the mirrors and turning the lights on and off. Shes now pointing to every light and shes almost crawling.

We came home for naptime and got packed for our night out at Grannies. After we did a spot of shopping for wine and steaks we met the yoga girls in Thornaby. Norah was all over the place whilst Arabelle and Noah played together for an hour. We met daddy at Grannies and had a nice night and some lovely food. Arabelle loved playing with Dolly once she had her milky she settled down to bed (until 2am when she woke screaming and it took us over an hour to settle her - we think its to do with being away from home). 

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